9 Single Bunk

Introducing our Mini Nightliners for Rent – Your Ultimate Travel Companions!

Embark on your journey with the exceptional comfort of our Mini NightlinersThis model features six generously sized single bunks, one double bunk, and a convertible table, offering flexibility to accommodate up to 9 people.

Rent a Car

Key Features:

  • B-Category License (up to 3500 kg):
    • Enjoy the freedom of driving our Mini Nightliners with a standard B-category license, ensuring lower travel costs.
  • Interior Amenities:
    • Heating and Air Conditioning: Create a cozy environment, regardless of the weather outside.
    • TV: Stay entertained with our onboard television.
    • small Fridge: Keep your refreshments cool and ready.
    • PlayStation 3 or 4: Enjoy gaming on the go.
    • 230V Plugs and USB Outlets: Stay connected and charge your devices.
    • Hitch for Trailer: Bring along additional equipment or luggage with ease.
  • Euro 5 and 6 Standards:
    • All our Mini Nightliners adhere to Euro 5 and 6 emission standards, ensuring environmental responsibility and contributing to lower travel costs.

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